Gentle Reader: Mark this month, April of 2024, as a special month in Tennessee, and Southern, history. You may not yet recognize the significance of this month, but take it from the old curmudgeon, who has observed more history than most of the people you know, and he says, and he certifies that this month is, for Tennesseans, extra special!

Everybody knows that there are such historic national events as the criminal trial in New York of our former President, Donald John Trump, but that has no special impact on Tennessee. But while mentioning the Trump trial, as an ancient trial lawyer, I am impressed with the way and manner with which the New York trial judge is conducting these proceedings. The concurrent death of O.J. Simpson brings to mind the altogether different manner in which one of these celebrity criminal trials can be handled (or mishandled, as the case may be). We should all be grateful that so far everything seems to indicate this this judge knows his business, and is carrying it out with dignity and dispatch.

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